Our ‘blooming’ marvellous collection of Harmony Bells are inspired by nature and tuned to uplifting major and minor chords
• C Major (Red Bells) | F Major (Green Bells) | G Major (Blue Bells) | Major Bunch (All three major bells)
• D Minor (Orange Bells) | E Minor (Yellow Bells) | A Minor (Indigo Bells) | Minor Bunch (All three minor bells)
Perpetually in a perfect state of bloom, Harmony Bells are suitable for many different outdoor locations and will withstand all weather conditions and seasons.
Visually stimulating and colourful, each ‘flower’ is made of four bells of decreasing size and ascending pitch. Each ‘bell’ – when struck – emits a pure tone with a long sustain.
Available individually or in a ‘bunch’ of three bells in complementary chords. Ideal for interactive playscapes they’ll arouse a sense of intrigue and encourage participants into the pursuit of music-making in the great outdoors.
Product Highlights
• Visually stimulating
• Colourful design, easy fixing and great sound
• Engaging sensory resources
• Suitable for ADA Accessible Projects/Parks
• Suitable for Inclusive Playgrounds
• Pollen-free